Shir Azari

The Little Things About Me
I love summer
I love dogs
If I could live in California, I would
I am an extroverted introvert (I think)
I've had a crush on Zac Efron for 16 years and counting
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is ultimately my favourite show
My musical inspirations are Demi Lovato, Adele, & Kelly Clarkson
I don't like horror or scary movies but for some reason I love the show "YOU" on Netflix
I'm scared of spiders but think other insects are cool
I love taking photos of flowers and plants
I'm addicted to Netflix... but like, who isn't?
I am team Starbucks
I've always loved music, singing, & performing. It gives me this rush of adrenaline
that you may get from riding a roller coaster
Music ignites the fire in my heart to keep improving myself in every aspect of life
I am ecstatic to announce that I am a FACTOR funded artist! #FACTORfunded